8 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Can Aid Your Business's Growth

Small and medium enterprises, like the rest of human civilization, are doing everything they can to stay up with the development and progress of current technology. In order to capture a booming and extremely profitable online industry, brick-and-mortar enterprises are either switching to an online business model or bolstering existing marketing efforts with digital marketing methods.

Because the process of drawing targeted audiences online is the difference between a successful growing business and one that fails. Even if your website receives a lot of daily traffic, it will be useless until it converts into leads or purchases. Digital Marketing tools and approaches give business owners the best opportunities for competition, survival, and even business development in the digital arena where business and commerce are moving.

The following 8 arguments will show you why digital marketing is not only a prudent investment but also a powerful marketing channel that may help you develop your company.

 1. Because digital marketing evens up the playing field on the internet

Gone are the days when company owners accepted the assumption that digital marketing was just for multinational organizations and major corporations with the financial capacity to launch an internet marketing campaign. Digital marketing truly levels the playing field by allowing small and medium businesses to compete with the big boys for a piece of the targeted traffic pie.
Small businesses now have the tools to undertake sales and marketing procedures that were previously only available to major organizations thanks to digital marketing. Small businesses may efficiently communicate with many clients without a contact centre, including customers from all over the world, even if they don't have physical storefronts or branches in these regions.

2. Because it is more cost-effective than traditional marketing.
Small enterprises have limited resources and, in some cases, no capital. As a consequence, Digital Marketing offers them a more efficient and cost-effective marketing channel that produces results. According to Gartner's Digital Marketing Spend Report, up to 40% of respondents said they saved a lot of money by utilizing digital marketing to promote their products and services.
As a result, according to a Gartner report, 28% of business owners will move marketing budget allocations away from traditional media channels and toward digital online marketing tools and strategies. According to HubSpot, digital marketers have a lower cost-per-lead (CPL) than conventional marketing channels, as demonstrated in the figure below.

3. As a result of the fact that digital marketing generates conversions
Depending on the intended uses of your website, businesses promoting products and services online assess success by the percentage of incoming visitors that is turned into leads, subscribers, or purchases. All of your traffic will be for nought if you don't convert it, and all of your marketing efforts will be for nought. As a result, company owners are focusing their digital marketing operations on conversion optimization and prioritizing it above everything else.
Search Engine Optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing are just a few of the tools and tactics you may employ for your digital marketing strategy. These three that provides rapid and effective communication and engagement with targeted audiences will deliver better-than-average outcomes in terms of increased conversion rates, as seen in the figure below from HubSpot's 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report.

4. Because Digital Marketing Aids in Revenue Generation
Greater conversion rates, as a result of smart digital marketing strategies, can provide you and your company a slew of financial rewards in the form of better and higher profits. In research with IPSOS Hong Kong, Google claims that organizations that use digital marketing techniques have a 2.8 times higher revenue growth expectation than those that don't.
Small and medium businesses who use digital marketing tactics have a 3.3 times better chance of increasing their staff and business, opening access to better, larger, and farther reaching markets both locally and internationally. Kevin O'Kane, Google's Asia-Pacific Head of SME, regards the Internet as "rocket fuel" for small and medium businesses.

5. Because Digital Marketing Allows Targeted Audiences to Interact

The capacity of Internet marketing tools to communicate with targeted consumers in real-time is one of the reasons why digital marketing is displacing traditional marketing mediums. When your consumers contact your brand or business, they expect to be engaged in some way. How your company manages such encounters and exchanges will determine whether it succeeds or fails, according to eMarketer's study Key Digital Trends for 2014, which is depicted below.

Interacting with your consumers and giving them appropriate interaction points may provide you insight into what your target audiences desire. This crucial information will guide you toward making the proper next steps, providing an even better experience for your consumers, and developing good connections with them – winning their loyalty and trust, which you will need as your business grows.

6. Because Digital Marketing Is Geared Towards Mobile Users

With the increasing growth of smartphones, tablets, and other internet-enabled gadgets, the mobile internet will undoubtedly be the next wave of information distribution and communication channels. These mobile gadgets have become such an integral part of American life that 91 per cent of individuals in the US keep them within reach at all times.

Now is the optimum moment to launch digital marketing initiatives targeted at mobile users, opening the road for them to achieve more development and expansion. According to another eMarketer analysis, mobile devices have progressed from being simply substituted for laptops and desktop computers to affecting people's purchase decisions.
7. Because digital marketing helps to establish a brand's reputation.
The capacity of digital marketing to generate targeted visitors is its strength. These sorts of content consumers are most likely already interested in learning more about your company, products, or services, and may be willing to buy what you have to offer. Delivering on your promises can help you build a stronger relationship with your target audiences, allowing them to convert into paying customers who will return to your site on a frequent and ongoing basis. 

This will benefit your brand's reputation since happy consumers are more inclined to tell others about their positive experiences with your brand, product, or service. As predicted, your brand's reputation will spread like wildfire, offering up new avenues for accessing new consumers and expanding your business.
8. Because digital marketing yields a higher return on investment for your marketing dollars
Digital Marketing may deliver a greater Return on Investment (ROI) than traditional media and marketing channels, thanks to higher revenues and better branding. Traditional media is too expensive for small and medium businesses to use, and the outcomes are ambiguous and difficult to assess.
The outcomes of digital marketing, on the other hand, can be easily tracked and assessed as soon as targeted audiences supply contact information, subscribe to a newsletter or training program, or make a purchase. The secret to digital marketing success, on the other hand, is to develop a consistent stream of focused visitors that translates into sales and leads. The more traffic your firm creates, the sooner you'll see a return on your investment.